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11 Mar 02 - 2:54pm

Paranoia. Yep...

This is how sketchy certain parts of my life have gotten. I see things behind the things people do and say, only to find that I was making them up all along. In the words of Mark Eitzel, I see "bullets instead of eyes". In this case, some little tagger's infantile post in my guestbook (now deleted) appeared as the words of someone out of my freshly-buried past...


But still, it made me think. I need to disinter this person and explain to them why I put them where they are in the first place. And what a lovely conversation that will be, Dear Reader...

My day off, and I'm here at the job ftp-ing files to freelance client. The connection here is dog-ass slow. Can't wait for that replacement hard drive to get here, so I can get my home machine up and running again.

Have I mentioned my new neighbors? They stay up until 2am landscaping, then wake me up at 8am with more of the same. The back yard, once lush and verdantly overgrown, with a carpet of leaves underfoot and deep pools of shade, has been stripped and denuded and generally brought to heel. What was once a magical landscape that would grow more magical with every rainfall, is now just another polite brick and concrete and flowerbed affair.

The main guy, the one who actually talks to me, has taken to asking why I and ShadX keep such irregular schedules, or muttering about how the neighbors across the street are spreading rumors about him, or just standing in the dark behind the gate we share, starting out at the street. When I asked him to not work on his van at 3am, he was all apologies up & down but he still went on gunning the engine.

And I haven't even begun to regale you with the latest cluster-fuck brewing at the school. But I think I'm going to go get a beer or five and talk with my friend who just got layed off from his job.

I'll be back later tonight. Drunk at work; that'll be a pip. Stay tuned.

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